Are you seeking credit exemptions from previous study or working experience 是否希望根据前所获学历或工作经验申请豁免部份学分
Are you seeking credit exemptions from previous study or working experience 是否希望根据以前所获学历、学习经历或工作经验申请免部分学分?
Applicants who have taken modules courses mapped correspondingly to this programme s modules can apply for credit exemption 学员如曾修读与本课程性质相同的科目可申请学分豁免。
The rest of our graduates either chose to study abroad or other articulation programmes with credit exemptions offered by overseas institutions in hong kong to continue their degree studies 其他继续升学的毕业生则入读本地或海外的学位课程以及本地衔接学位课程。